Friday, June 15, 2007

The Guelph Multicultural Festival

The Multicultural festival is about eleven years old. I have been attending for many of those years, sending my chilldren on the rides and bouncy castles when they were little. Now they come sometimes and only to hang out with friends. For the very first time we have an Afroculture booth along with many other entrepreneurs at the Guelph Multicultural Festival. The festival has grown larger. It is still situated at the beautiful Riverside park. We will be performing on Sunday to fill a gap in the International Language Program's line up for centre stage . We will also be teaching workshops on Saturday and Sunday.

Today was set up time, and testing the scene and ourselves in our new role as merchandisers. We met others we know well in the business, and although for this weekend we are competitors we are also among friends and do indeed wish them well after wishing ourselves well first. Saikou from Toronto has set up a great display. Primordial Drums is directly opposite him. There's a Senegalese lady I met last year at the Afri festival of Waterloo. There are many firsts for us, erecting our booth and securing it at the end of the day. We trust it is secure! So many trips back and forth for this and that all because we're new at this. Wynne spent the entire afternoon there, until he was sick of it. I used up his Friday until very late so I rented him a movie for his entertainment.

I hope tomorrw goes well and we make lots of sales. I expect lots of traffic at our booth and excellent sales. Guelph is where we learn new things.

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